Hemp Bombs E-Liquid Additive

Hemp Bombs E-Liquid Additive is above all changing the way CBD E Liquids are viewed by the vape community. We used top quality ingredients for this product. No harmful chemicals have touched our ingredients.

Consequently handled by experts, and designed with the end consumer in mind. For instance this process results in a product that is exceptional in the CBD industry and as a standalone E-Liquid.

Do you want more kick out of your juice? Want a little CBD with what you are vaping? Then E-Liquid Additives are at your disposal. If you are tired of only having one or thee other then all you need is some of this to give it more kick. Along with the power of CBD with also a great taste.

With the power of CBD in your vape juice you will be able to heal minor aches and pains as you vape. Experiencing a headache at work? This product can fix that. A splitting head from an annoying co-worker? It can fix that. Random pains in your bones and joints? It can also work for that too. This liquid is perfect with any device or liquid you put this in. Now you too can harness the power of CBD at work and home.

Warning: Do not vape this product individually without it being added to another juice. The high concentration of this product can cause harm to you and also your device. Although CBD is generally harmless, the concentrated juice can cause major problems. Do not use this as vape juice, only to be added to vape juice. Please use caution when adding to juice.

Product Info

16.5 ml of CBD E-Liquid
75 mg of CBD per bottle
70/30 VG/PG Split
Tested by Independent Labs
Non-THC, Non-Nicotine

Ingredients: CBD extract, Wild Blueberry Flavor

All products contain less than 0.3% THC.