What Is CBD Isolate Tincture (and Why Do I Need It?)

CBD Isolate

You’ve likely noticed that CBD products have taken the world by storm in recent years. From roadside signs saying “CBD sold here,” and ads on social media, it’s hard to ignore.

Some outlets offering gummies and full-spectrum oils while others are selling lotions, CBD isolate tinctures, and more.

It comes in many forms and has just as many potential benefits, if not more, but getting started can be intimidating.

Let’s start with one universally loved product that’s growing in popularity: the CBD isolate tincture. To find out the benefits of CBD isolate tincture and why you need it, learn more here!

CBD Isolate vs Full Spectrum

To think of it literally, the CBD cannabinoid is isolated and the CBD isolate contains nothing else, thus the appropriate name!

Full-spectrum products contain other cannabis compounds, flavonoids, terpenes, and trace amounts of THC that may be detected in a drug screening. 

CBD isolate does not contain THC, therefore does not result in psychoactive effects.

What Is a CBD Isolate Tincture?

CBD oil and CBD tincture are not the same product. They are similar, but only in the sense that they are both produced using extraction from the hemp plant.

Extracts are then soaked in a mixture of water, alcohol, and glycerin and the lengthy process takes weeks or even months to complete. The next step is a filtering procedure used to remove the plant pulp and purify the product.

As a whole, the tincture process is far less controllable and the concentration of CBD is less potent than CBD oil.

Before you assume that tinctures are inferior, just wait!

Because of the added alcohol, tinctures have a longer shelf life, from the alcohol acting as a natural preservative, and enhanced bioavailability.

This means that while the product is technically less potent, your body is able to absorb the good stuff even more. 

Unlike oil, isolate tinctures have ingredients added to make the product more palatable, beneficial, and assist in the absorption rate. Some things you will observe are added vitamins, sweeteners, herbs, and essential oils.

That was a lot, so what’s the takeaway?

CBD isolate tincture lasts longer, is absorbed more easily, the taste is more pleasant than CBD oil, and there are more unique flavor variations for you to choose from.

CBD Isolate Usage Benefits

While nothing is certain, there are a large number of potential benefits that are linked to the use of CBD products, including CBD isolate.


Patients have reported improvement with and relief from the general and severe symptoms of anxiety that can be sudden, unpleasant, and otherwise unmanageable. 

General Health

Even if you are without underlying medical conditions, there is evidence of general health improvements with the usage of CBD products.

Inflammation reduction, acne improvement, enhanced immune system functionality, blood sugar regulation, pain reduction from exertion or exercise, and cancer cell growth prevention, to name a few.

Medical Conditions

For those with chronic medical conditions, cannabinoid usage provides a gentle aid in getting some relief.

Patients reported positive results to aid in the treatment of the following, among others:

  • Migraines/headaches
  • Epileptic seizures
  • Arthritis
  • Injuries of the spinal cord
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer treatment discomfort

Ways to Use CBD Isolate

Sure, you can take the tincture alone, but you can get creative with CBD isolate recipes, too!

Who says you can’t infuse your coffee, smoothie, soups, sauces, whipped cream, or even favorite baked goods with your new favorite CBD? 

It’s fine to experiment, but make sure that whatever you choose to do does not damage the integrity of your product. Direct exposure to high heat will reduce the benefits and effectiveness.

You can create a pre-infused cooking oil, infuse your honey, or even combine your favorite greek yogurt with your tincture to create a safe way to get the benefits of your CBD while enjoying your favorite foods!

Bear in mind that you should not expect to experience the same effect as you would with other edibles. Remember, CBD isolate doesn’t contain THC, and feeling the effects may not be instantaneous.

Take it a step beyond food and drink by adding it to your favorite lotion or balm, or make your own soap.

Where to Buy

While you see CBD isolate for sale, know that every product is not created equal. The industry is currently vastly unregulated, allowing for impure product sales and false claims.

It is crucial that you do a little research before purchasing a product because there are companies producing sub-par products just to profit from the sudden popularity of CBD, with total disregard to quality and user safety.

If nothing else, it is important that you buy only from a trusted source who exhibits an extensive knowledge of products and processes as well as third-party testing evidence.

What does this mean exactly?

A trusted unbiased outside lab conducts potency and standard testing to ensure a clean, safe, quality product is being sold. Most times, this can be found on a company website.

From Rigorous Tests to You Living Your Best

CBD Warehouse USA is one of the largest wholesale providers, offering businesses and patients transparency and a safe, affordable, trustworthy source of relief from pain and emotional distresses.

This information should not be considered medical advice, offered only as useful information and facts for patients to make an informed decision.

It is recommended that you consult your general practitioner prior to beginning a CBD isolate product, as you would with anything else, to ensure it is right for you.

Explore our quality products and contact us if you have any questions!